/** * Users can change the contents of a Web page when the contentEditable property is set * to TRUE. This method submits the changes for the object specified by id. * * @param url Url of the object to be changed. * @param id Id of the object to be changed. * @param key Key of the property to be changed. */ function contenteditableChangeClick(url, id, key) { var elName = key + "_" + id; var elValue = escape(window.eval(elName).innerHTML); var fmName = id + "Form"; document.write('
'); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write('
'); var fm = document.forms[fmName]; fm.submit(); } // ############################################################################ // ### calendarBtnClick: // ############################################################################ function calendarBtnClick(fmName, elName, manage_lang) { open_function("f_kalender?manage_lang="+manage_lang+"&elName=" + elName + "&fmName=" + fmName,170,190,",resizable=no,scrollbars=no"); } // ############################################################################ // ### get_url: // ############################################################################ function get_url(url,k0,v0,k1,v1,k2,v2,k3,v3,k4,v4) { if (k0 && v0) url+='?'+k0+'='+escape(v0); if (k1 && v1) url+='&'+k1+'='+escape(v1); if (k2 && v2) url+='&'+k2+'='+escape(v2); if (k3 && v3) url+='&'+k3+'='+escape(v3); if (k4 && v4) url+='&'+k4+'='+escape(v4); return url; } // ############################################################################ // ### open_frame: // ############################################################################ function open_frame(title,url,params,width,height,options) { href = "f_frame"; href += "?" + params; href += "&p_url=" + escape(url); href += "&p_title=" + escape(title); self.msgWindow = open(href,"msgWindow","width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",screenX=" + (screen.width-width)/2 + ",screenY=" + (screen.height-height)/2 + ",dependent=yes" + ",left=" + (screen.width-width)/2 + ",top=" + (screen.height-height)/2 + options ); if (self.msgWindow) { self.msgWindow.focus(); if (self.msgWindow.opener == null) self.msgWindow.opener = self; } } // ############################################################################ // ### open_function: // ############################################################################ function open_function(url,width,height,options) { self.msgWindow = open(url,"Fenster","width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",screenX=" + (screen.width-width)/2 + ",screenY=" + (screen.height-height)/2 + ",dependent=yes" + ",left=" + (screen.width-width)/2 + ",top=" + (screen.height-height)/2 + options ); if (self.msgWindow) { self.msgWindow.focus(); if (self.msgWindow.opener == null) self.msgWindow.opener = self; } }